An Introduction to Becoming a Momtrepreneur

Being a momtrepreneur means wearing multiple hats every single day, but focusing on personal goals can clarify what is important to us: spending quality time with our kid(s), taking care of ourselves, and of course, having fun along the way.
We all come from different places in life and thus with different tools. Some people are born into a tremendous family support system with little financial stability, and others might be born to a wealthy family that is unsupportive or abusive. With our different upbringings and current realities, we will all face adversity and challenges that are unique to ourselves. Regardless, everyone has the capacity to take a new path, can believe in possibilities, be confident, and communicate intentions out to the world.
An important aspect of our growth is the company you keep. Associate with people who can offer support and be your cheerleaders. Leave the energy vampires and naysayers behind. When you are motivated and share your goals with confidence, people will be attracted to your shine and want to help. Nothing can be done without the mindset that it is possible. We are fortunate to have access to resources like influencers, support groups, and established networks. We all make lots of mistakes along the way, but if maintain the path, continue our growth, foster relationships, these mistakes will turn into blessings.
On your journey be sure and give yourself grace and communicate with others. Sometimes things don’t come together how and when you want them to. The reality is that time and money are not always available to you, but being true to yourself and sincere with others goes a long way. Even when things go wrong, communicating your intent and sharing your vision with others can bring synergy. In our fast-paced world, when delivering on your intent is linked to your self-worth, letting others know what’s going on is an opportunity for people to have empathy and understand each other on a human level.
Another action you’ll want to take is to gather knowledge about what you want to do. There are a myriad of resources like online, webinars, events, and also friends and mentors. Do what it takes, but absorb yourself in your passion and where you want to go.
Take in as much as you can by reading books, listening to podcasts, and finding inspirational influencers, including spiritual and scientific sources, not just entrepreneurs.
Not everyone has the time and money to do what they want, but anyone can set an intention and make a plan. Prioritize what is important to you – family, career, financial freedom, certain things – then take steps to start something.